Tag Archives: #gardening

The Meaning of Life…. a beginner’s mission

I stumbled across the above quote on Facebook recently and it struck a chord with me.

No, I’m not about to get all philosophical here. Definitely not my style. I’m not even going to theorise about the meaning of life. I mean all good Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy fans know its 42!

What I will share though is my growing collection of mini “mighty oaks”.

A few years ago now, I picked up a handful of acorns one October afternoon while I was out for a walk and decided to plant them. I didn’t really expect any results but much to my amazement, several months later four small trees began to grow. I’ve nurtured them ever since.

Last October, I was walking in the same area and found more acorns…yes. you guessed it. I brought those home and planted them and a couple of weeks ago, they began to grow.

I now have 12 “baby” oak trees in total. And while I may never sit under their shade, I’ll enjoy nurturing them over the coming years.

“Google Brain – how do you bonsai an oak tree?”…..