Tag Archives: #bookrecommendation

Flashback Friday….. Stronger Within

Flashback Friday….

She had just put the finishing touches to her makeup when she heard a truck crunch over the gravel in front of the house. By the time she had made her way down the hallway to the front door, Jake was already on the porch. His long hair was still damp – signs of a recent shower- and he too seemed to have taken care with his wardrobe. Behind him in the driveway she could see a black Dodge Ram pickup truck parked under the tree.

“Your chariot awaits,” he declared theatrically.

“Hi, Jake,” she smiled, stepping out onto the porch, pausing to pull the door closed behind her.

“Hi,” he replied. “Are you still ok with this?”

“Of course! I’ve been looking forward to it,” she said. “And to seeing you,” she added silently to herself.

“Ok. Let’s go then. The local metropolis awaits you.”

Getting into the passenger seat of the truck proved to be a challenge, but Jake swept in and lifted her up into the seat. He slid her crutches in behind then handed her the strap of the seatbelt.

“I hope you’re impressed. I even cleaned out the truck for you,” he said proudly. “It’s not usually so tidy.”

“I’m honoured. Thank you.”

As Jake turned on the ignition, the stereo burst into life and the cab was suddenly filled with very loud hard rock music. He reached to switch it off, but Lori stopped him.

“No worries. It’s fine with me,” she assured. “Is this the kind of stuff your band plays?”

“Yeah,” said Jake reversing out into the narrow road.

Want to know where they went? Want to know how their date went?

Want to know more? … then check out the Silver Lake series on Amazon

Amazon.com links –

Stronger Within – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00VXDSC1M

Impossible Depths – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01C0GS30K

Bonded Souls – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XSQHG71

Shattered Hearts – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07ZY8ZSDM

Long Shadows – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08RR1FGLG

Amazon.co.uk links –

Stronger Within – https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00VXDSC1M

Impossible Depths – https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01C0GS30K

Bonded Souls – https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B06XSQHG71

Shattered Hearts – https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07ZY8ZSDM

Long Shadows – https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08RR1FGLG

Beginnings – release day!

Today’s the day!

I’m delighted to introduce you to my first poetry collection. Yes, it’s a change of direction but each of these was written with just as much if not more emotion than my other book babies.

This is a collection of 45 short poems each written straight from the heart.

Why not check it out today (I promise its not like poems that you studied at high school!)

 Beginnings – a collection of poems eBook : McCallum, Coral: Amazon.co.uk: Kindle StoreBeginnings – a collection of poems – Kindle edition by McCallum, Coral. Literature & Fiction Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.

New release coming 29 February 2024- Beginnings

My first collection of poems, Beginnings, will be published on 29 February 2024. This is a collection of poems that I have written over many years.  Many of them have appeared on my blog over the past ten years. Now felt like the right time to bring them all together in one small volume. (And of course, 29th February is too unique a date not to publish on – Yes, I’m weird about dates)

Beginnings is now available for pre-order worldwide for Kindle. Here’s the links

Beginnings – a collection of poems – Kindle edition by McCallum, Coral. Literature & Fiction Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.

Beginnings – a collection of poems eBook : McCallum, Coral: Amazon.co.uk: Kindle Store

There will be a paperback edition available in a few weeks.

Happy 10th blogiversary to me!

It’s been 10 years since I started this blog… 10 years ago today. Some of you may even remember that first nervous post. Here’s a reminder for those of you who joined this creative journey along the way December | 2013 | Coral McCallum

Back in December 2013 I set myself the challenge to post once a week to my new blog page to try to overcome my fear of letting people read what I write. (Still not quite conquered that fear.) My 2014 personal challenge was to post at least once a week. I’ve posted every week since. (OK there have been a few very short “cheat” posts, but they still count as a post).

So how has the creative journey progressed since 29 December 2013?

Well, I’ve self-published seven novels. Seven! These seven include a five book series, the Silver Lake series. Who would ever have thought it- certainly not me! It still feels surreal to see my name on the cover of a book and to see my books on Amazon with all those beautiful twinkling stars beside them.

I’ve written numerous short stories for my blog, many acrostic poems and I’ve kept my Silently Watching dark vampire angel serialised fiction going for the majority of those 10 years ( sh…don’t tell anyone but she’ll be back in January). I’ve promoted my book babies via my blog.

I even upgraded and became a .co.uk! A small detail but a huge step for me.

Over those 10 years I’ve watched my personal world evolve and change too. Who would have thought back in 2013 that we would live through a global pandemic? I’ve watched my kids grow up (They still aren’t interested in anything mother writes so not everything has changed!) And over the past three years, I’ve watched “the Big Green Gummi Bear” battle with terminal illness and ultimately lose that battle at the end of October.

As I look back over the earlier blog posts, I can see them slowly evolving.

As I look back at myself now compared to the “me” of 2013, I’ve evolved too.

Change is good.

So, what is next for my blog? Who knows! Not me! LOL I’ve not written it yet.

As my 11th year as a blogger and indie author commences, there will be more short stories, more delving into the Measly Jar of Motivation, more poems and more dark vampire angel tales.

I don’t wish to dwell on it, but the last three years have been rough, and they have taken their toll physically and emotionally, so I’m keen not to set too stretching a goal for 2024. I’ll keep it simple- the creative goal for 2024 is to finish and publish “Book Baby 8”. I’ve been working on it for more than year but it’s been a stop/start effort over the past six months or so. There are 366 days of 2024 to achieve it in, so I have that one extra day up my sleeve to get it over the line.

If you’ve travelled this journey with me from the very start- thank you for sticking with me.

If you joined along the way – thank you for sticking with me.

If this is the first blog post you’ve seen – welcome and I hope you stick with me.

None of this creative progress would be possible without the love and support of each and every one of you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my blogs, liking and sharing the content, buying and reading my books and for having faith in me. I really do appreciate it.

All that’s left to say is to wish you a very Happy New Year when it comes. May 2024 be kinder to us all.

Love n hugs



* Escape from Black Friday with a FREE e-book*

Want to avoid the chaos of Black Friday?

Want to spend the weekend at the beach with a hot rock star? Want it for free?

Look no further, Impossible Depths, book 2 in the Silver Lake series is free to download today

Here’s the links to that hot date with Jake Power



If you want to buy book one, Stronger Within, first, here’s the links:-



See it’s still a deal- buy one get one free 😊

Have you met my two favourite girls?

Have you met my two favourite girls, Ellen and Riley?







Bonded Souls, book 3 in the Silver Lake series is FREE to download this weekend

Bonded Souls is FREE to download this Labor Day weekend.



Spend Memorial Day weekend with a free ebook

An early morning mist had rolled in off the ocean creating an eerie atmosphere along the beach. It had been early when Lori had crept out of the house to go for a walk. She did some of her best thinking alone down on the sand. Over the months her confidence and her physical strength had grown allowing her to walk along the shoreline without a constant nagging fear of falling. With the broad base plate attached, she still used her cane for support, psychological as much as physical. She had left Jake snoring loudly in bed, his long limbs spread out over more than his fair share of the mattress. When she had come down the hall, she had found Rich asleep on the lounge floor, his leather jacket serving as a blanket. As she wandered The last two revellers hadn’t even made it indoors. Gary and Scott were dead to the world on the sun loungers outside. Someone had had the good sense to cover them with the fleecy blankets from the sun room. Images of the sleeping rock stars made her smile as she strolled along the sand. This early the beach was deserted, and the pockets of morning mist created her own small private thought bubbles.

This holiday weekend you can download Impossible Depths, book 2 in the Silver Lake series for FREE using the links below:



Flashback Friday – have you met Ellen Lloyd?

Flashback Friday….. meet Ellen Lloyd

The cottage garden was sheltered from the breeze and, with the chimnea blazing, the patio felt cosy and intimate. Lit tealights in old jam jars were scattered around the boundary of the paved area, their flames flickering in the darkness. Plucking a gentle melody, Taylor watched as Nana and Jen brought out bowls of crisps and dips and some beers and cider. He smiled over at Ellen, who was sitting on a pile of cushions beside the fireplace.

“You ok?” asked Taylor, noting that she was staring intently at the flames.

“Never better,” she replied with a relaxed smile. “I was just daydreaming.”

“Ghosts in those flames?”

With a wistful smile, she nodded before confessing, “A year ago I couldn’t have sat here. Couldn’t stand to see flames. My dad helped me over those ghosts. Calmed my fears.”

“Shit! I never thought!”

“It’s fine, Tailz,” assured Ellen warmly. “In fact, it’s more than fine. This is perfect.”

Want to know more? Check out Ellen on Amazon today.


What will you be reading with your coffee this weekend?

What will you be reading with your coffee this weekend?

May I be so bold as to make a suggestion? ……

Amazon.com links –

Stronger Within – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00VXDSC1M

Impossible Depths – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01C0GS30K

Bonded Souls – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XSQHG71

Shattered Hearts – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07ZY8ZSDM

Long Shadows – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08RR1FGLG

Amazon.co.uk links –

Stronger Within – https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00VXDSC1M

Impossible Depths – https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01C0GS30K

Bonded Souls – https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B06XSQHG71

Shattered Hearts – https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07ZY8ZSDM

Long Shadows – https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08RR1FGLG